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Fax By Computer or PC
There's an easy way to send and receive faxes online via your email. eFax is an online fax service that eliminates the need for a fax machine and all the associated expenses (paper, ink cartridges etc.).  You can send and receive faxes as email attachments, giving you the security of faxing documents and the ease and convenient access of email.  You will also receive a unique 800 number or local fax number.
You might be confused at first by the thought of sending a fax by email, but it makes so much more sense than having a clunky, expensive fax machine (those ink cartridges again)--and no more busy signals and missed faxes. If you're on the road a lot, you can email and retrieve your faxes from anywhere, including your mobile phone. This is why most companies are moving to paperless faxing.
How Online Faxing Works

  • Send and receive faxes by email

  • Access your faxes via your mobile phone or iPhone

  • Look your best with your own local fax number

  • No busy signals or missed faxes

  • Save money on ink cartridges
eFax is a virtual fax service that allows you to fax from your desktop computer or PC and Mac and send emails as attachments through the internet. Unique fax numbers available for over 2,000 cities worldwide and toll-free numbers that cover the U.S., Canada, the U.K., Spain and France.

(c) 2012 EasyOnlineFaxing.com
Easy Online Faxing